INTO CALCE FINE is a fine grain (0.7 mm) & INTOCALCE MEDIUM is a medium grain (1.4mm) lime-based mortar obtained from genuine filtered aged slaked lime, marble aggregates, fillers, and binders. It has excellent filling power, and natural resistance to mold and bacteria. INTO CALCE can be used as a prep coat for lime-based plaster to reduce the roughness of the support and grant an ideal anchor. It can be also be a finishing by itself- matt and rough. INTO CALCE is suitable for interior and exterior surfaces. Perfectly stable over time, it maintains the breathability of the substrate thanks to its outstanding water vapor permeability. INTO CALCE is supplied in white color (BIANCO).
To tint INTO CALCE FINE, use oxide-based pigments or any other lime stable (alkali-resistant) colorant.


1 coat

15-17 m2 with a bucket of 25kg

Sponge trowel

Stainless steel trowel

Decora Tinting System